Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Why Trevor likes homeschooling.

In his words: "Mommy, I like homeschooling because I can drink all the water I want!"

His peeve last year, that he complained about on more than one occassion, was the fact he would be thirsty after recess and only be able to drink for five seconds out of the water fountain. Today, we played soccer outside and he was hot and sweaty and he plopped down on the bench next to me and exclaimed his relief at drinking however many glasses of water he wants. I also pointed out that we were free to kick the soccer ball around as long as we want and could eat lunch whenever we wanted. Yes, freedom is nice!

Not only did we play soccer, but we played a rousing one hour game of hide and go seek this evening after dinner. Seeing as how he was way too exhausted last year to actually play too much after dinner, it was really nice to celebrate the first day of school by not being completely beat. Between Tae Bo this morning, soccer before lunch and running all over the neighbourhood for hide and seek after dinner, I also got a decent workout in!