Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Random goodness in the form of playdough

Just because they are SOOO cute! Ariel let me put her hair in pigtails!

As you can see, Ariel is thrilled with playdough!!!

Rachael kneading the dough to make it more playdoughy. It's pretty sticky until they knead it a bit. It's also pretty hot.

This is Trevor building a chain of dominoes. We just got the dominoes recently and they have been endlessly amusing for all the kids. We play the game TONS, but Trevor quickly realized you could stack them like he is in the video and knock them down. Much to his dismay, we don't have enough to build long elaborate designs to knock over. I think I need to get more dominoes! I lost my voice last week and it was still all hoarse. I was also a bit grumpy because I kept having to start the video again because Trevor shows off for the camera. He just won't act NORMAL! He will build so nicely and carry on a meaningful conversation until I start filming then he gets all silly. So you'll hear me whisper "Act normal!". heh.

Other than that, we've been busy! More pictures will be up later. No more time now. But we went to the Natural history museum yesterday without Ray! I was proud that direction challenged me made it in on the Metro and everything. We met Ray afterwards to go to the Caps game, which was loads of fun, too. Trekking into DC will be something we definitely do more often.