Friday, December 07, 2007

phonics, 4 yr old style

Yesterday I had a headache of almost migraine proportions. Nothing seemed to be taking the edge off until I finally took some ibuprofen. I put in The Eyewitness Insect DVD we got from the library and told the kids I was going to lay down and they should watch the video, then draw a picture of some of the bugs. I lay down for 30 minutes and felt much better and came downstairs. Rachael was drawing a butterfly. The butterfly has the four wings. At the top of the picture, she sounded out her word "BTRFI"= Butterfly. Isn't that cool!? My little girl is sounding out words!

Also... Trevor started his own blog. He types it himself with minimal help from me. Here's the address..
Trevor's blog

And because Rachael wants to keep up with the information age, she started one, too. She has a little more help from me than Trevor, otherwise all her blog posts would consist of the first letter of the word, only. So I help her sound out the complete word, but I don't correct her letter choice.
Rachael's blog