Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A much needed update!

Here's pictures from a couple weeks ago. We are members of Baltimore's Port Discovery children's museum. We go about montly, at least. It's a cool place. They recently opened a Wonders of Water exhibit. The first hour was RSVP members only so we got to experience it while it was pretty empty. Here's pictures!

Spraying water at instruments. The cymbal made the most noise.

Making "container ships" with legos. They had to balance them just right or the boats tipped.

There was a big river thing in the middle that had different buttons to push that created spraying water, or activated water things. They also had ways you could dam up the river, or divert it elsewhere. The girls loved the rubber ducks and mainly floated them down the river.

This was an area where you could see whether or not various objects floated.

"Mommy, I love these boats!" Ariel claimed every small plastic boat in the place and carted them everywhere with her until another littler kid wanted one.

Making a huge bubble!

Our day was lots of fun. We played all over port discovery, however, my pictures all seem blurry or the lighting is off. I think I had the camera on the wrong setting. None of them are really worth posting. We finished the day with lunch at Panera Bread. All in all, quite a nice Saturday!