Monday, March 10, 2008

Trevor is growing up.

It all started this morning. I mean, we had spent half the morning together already and he had not mentioned anything. I was looking up directions for playgroup, Trevor was playing on Webkinz, when he says suddenly "mommy, my tooth is wiggly. My bottom tooth is really really wiggly."

Oh? And it WAS! Really. REALLY wiggly. How come he didn't notice this before? So I got a little melancholy on him and wistfully told him how he was getting so big and those permanent teeth were just a sign he was growing up and wouldn't be my little teeny boy anymore. Trevor, who is ever practical, just shrugged his shoulders as he walked away and smiled. "mom, you always say how I'll always be your little boy, so I still will be your little boy." AW!

Fastforward to tonight. Trevor called me upstairs because his tooth was bothering him. He had been wiggling it and it had turned sideways at this weird angle. I turned it back and it came free!! Trevor was excited, Rachael was completely thrilled beyond all reason (she bounded around Trevor, demanding to hold the tooth). Here's pictures!!!

Trevor and Rachael showing off their gaps. heh

All three kids. Rachael was not really trying to choke her sister, though she may unconsciously have it out for her. heehee.


The Histrionics of a Fat Housewife said...

It is a little sad, isn't it? RK has her first HARDLY loose at all, wigglies on the bottom.

Congratulations to Trevor, though. It is very exciting as I well remember.