Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I can crochet!

I am not a crafty person. I can't sew or knit. But over vacation I decided to give crochet a try.

It all started with this. Rachael's present from her grandma. A crochet kit that taught you how to crochet bracelets. I decided that it would be helpful if *I* could crochet so I could better explain the instructions to her.

It quickly became an obsession.

Then I made this but, as you can see, I had trouble turning the chain and keeping the stitches even. This was just the basic starting stich over and over.

Then I got sick of working on little things and decided to make something big. It would give me the chance to repeat something enough that I would get it. This is single crochet. I can see where I made mistakes at the beginning (it starts wider than it ends up) but I figured out how to turn the chain.

I am quite proud of my uncrafty self! Next up, double crochet and then I want to figure out some of the patterns in the crochet book I borrowed from the library.


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