Thursday, February 04, 2010

Applying knowledge

I never sync my iphone with my computer. I'm really horrible about techie stuff like that. When my facebook for iphone app actually expired and I couldn't load facebook on my phone, I knew it was time to update. When I updated my phone it put a couple new apps on there.. one of them being this Discovery Channel app. Ariel and I loaded it up and discovered it was full of clips from Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, etc. Cool! So we watched this clip from Mythbusters about grease fires and they made a big fireball by putting water on hot grease. The clip was about 5 minutes long and we watched it in the morning.
Fast forward to 8pm that night. I am reading Redwall to the kids right now. We're at this part where Cluny the Scourge is ramming the Abbey walls with a big battering ram. The mice have discovered this barrel and want to drop something down on the rats to stop their assault. Ariel pipes up "They should put hot grease in it! Then they could dump water on them and there would be a big fireball!" All violence towards these rats aside (they are really terrible in the book), I thought it was pretty cool that she remembered what she had seen on Mythbusters in that- "Oh, what's this app do?" 5 minute clip- and then applied that knowledge to the situation in the book.
My teeny tiny mouse is one smart cookie.