Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Yet another snow day!

We're having quite a few snow days this school year! We got some snow last night and so the kids were off school today. And what a pleasant day it was. I did NOT get out in the snow like I wanted but oh well. We finished reading our chapter book (I am reading an American Girl book about Nikki and her service dog in training. The girlies listen and Trevor pretends he's not interested but is mysteriously quiet while I read and then pops in the room to ask questions about the book every once in a while. heh). This means I read a lot today since we were only a couple chapters into it. What else? The kids had computer time and we went grocery shopping- which always involves two stores and requires much patience on the kid's part. And what else? Hmmm...

Trevor went outside to play and the girlies and I made chocolate cake!

Ew. Then we turned this unappetizing mass of goo into something

What are we making guys and why does Rachael look so very serious?

Hm. Cooked a bit...

Then they kneaded it.....

And kneaded it....

And kneaded it into playdough! And since I am so very cool, I brought out the glitter from Christmas crafts 2008 that I recently rediscovered hiding in a bag in my closet. And we glitterfied that playdough. Then the kids played with playdough for quite a while.

Then we ended our day with cake. Hey, see the LA boxing hat? It's why we work out (well, I don't do LA Boxing). It's so we can eat cake.

mmMMMM... chocolate cake.