We had quite a busy weekend. Saturday morning we had the kids' friends, Webb and Zea, over. This meant that not only did I have a couple kids dropped off at my house, but the neighbourhood kids eventually ended up over here, too. So at one point we had 3-4 boys wrecking havoc and 3 little girls trying to be girlie. Then Rachael came in at one point while I was on the phone and, in all her dramatics, gasps out "MOMMY! There was this huge wasp and he was just hiding in the grass and when I ran by he jumped up and BIT ME!" She wasn't crying, she showed me a spot on her leg where there was just, well, nothing. But she insisted that this humoungous wasp was just laying in wait for some little girl to pass by so he could lunge from his hiding spot and bite her. Needless to say, I sent her back out to play. This is the girl who also got drenched and sopped and cried because she couldn't wear a knitted bag on her head and once cried for an entire walk because I wouldn't let her take her tootbrush. She is prone to, well, being melodramatic. heh.
Saturday evening we went bowling with Ryan and kids and friends. Trevor beat out Ray and I narrowly beat the kids. We are not expert bowlers. The kids were adorable, though. Ever spelled everyone's names on the computer and it was "Trever" "Ariol" and "Rathl". And when it was "Ariol's" turn, everyone would help her drag the little thing you roll the bowling ball on out and then help her carry her ball to it. She would push it and the bowling ball would creep down the lane and hit a few pins and then she would get claps and cheers and big hugs. It was very cute.
But I don't have pictures of any of that stuff. I do have a few pictures of our adventures today. We went biking and geocaching. Geocaching is an obsession of a couple friends of ours, Bill and Christianne. Ray and I like geocaching, too, but don't really do it unless we are with said friends and their really nice GPS (though the new iphone makes a fine GPS as well). So we loaded up the bikes and head out to their house, where we enjoyed a wonderful brunch and a description of sugar shacking and maple syrup and all things wonderful like that. Then Ariel overflowed their toilet. Seriously. It was rather mortifying, requiring lots of towels and bleach and a bright orange plunger to fix. But THEN... we loaded up the bikes and head out to the W&OD trail where we found a total of SIX (!!!) caches! We also got in a nice 8 mile bike ride and a stop for ice cream. The weather was absolutely perfect, not too hot and not too cold. The boys did great on their bikes and I think a wonderful time was had by all. Here's some pictures: ETA- Rachael and her little friend Evelyn are not in any of the pictures. Why? They spent their day being pulled in another Chariot by Bill. As they reclined in luxury, they leafed through this princess book and day dreamed about going to the ball with the prince. They did not get out to geocache (they did however, suffer themselves to join us commonfolk for ice cream). My Rachael has gotten very girlie recently. heehee..
Finding one of the caches up in a tree. Hopefully everyone knows what geocaching is? Basically, people hide these caches (sometimes something as small as a film canister, some as big as a tackle box) and leave coordinates to find them on a website. You load the coordinates into your GPS and then hunt down the caches. Some have little treasures you can take (and leave a replacement of your own), some require multiple steps to complete like a scavenger hunt or puzzle. Some are super hard to find, some are really easy. It's pretty addictive and pretty frustrating when you DON'T find the cache.
One of the caches was a plastic squirrel! It was cute. Ariel helped find it and as beyond thrilled. She wanted to keep the squirrel. I kept thinking of the little animals in the woods. heh. (my mom should get that).
Ariel was beat by the end of the ride. She had it tough, riding in the back of the chariot.
Trevor and Jonathon at the end of 8 miles on bikes. I dunno... Jonathon looks a little beat!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
What a weekend!
Posted by Devon at 4:57 PM
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