Thursday, January 14, 2010

Daisies, Dogs and Bread...

The days have been busy. I started the year with an afternoon job at Ariel's preschool. It's three afternoons a week (not in her class) and it's a ton of fun. It's also 11ish hours a week I don't have to myself anymore. I also started my one class this semester this past Tuesday. I was supposed to be taking 4 classes (Biology, math, french and psych) but, unfortunately, until I can get student loans I had to drop the others and just keep the one class I had already bought books for (Psychology 211. I think it's called research methodology). But I think the one class will keep me busy enough.

I ordered a bunch of Girl Scout Daisy tunics, petals and girl scout Daisy pins. And they came today! I was so thrilled they came so quickly. Rachael was, too. Emily and I are planning the Investiture Ceremony for our next meeting. This is where the girls are officially welcomed into Daisies, saying their promise and getting their pin. It's a very cute event.

I have also been trying to bake more bread. I used to bake almost all our bread and have gotten out of the habit. Lately I have been baking more so I made a couple loaves the other day and a couple more today. The smaller loaf is cinnamon sugar swirl and the other one is just a loaf of white bread for sandwiches. I love homemade bread.

You know your puppy is too big when this is how he can reach things on the counter... but not reaching. Ray and I had miscalculated Reznor's age. We both thought he was 11 months. But no. I found his AKC paperwork the other day and he is 9 months! Right now he's 125lbs and we have nicknamed him our house pony. He's like a bull in a china shop. He sniffs at the counters but isn't a counter surfer.