Thursday, January 28, 2010

Since we're on a Rachaelism fest here...

Rachael realized her song was a huge success. So she dabbled in poetry this afternoon. Her poem cracked me up.. it had such a macabre element to it. You'll notice a trend of repeating tunelike sounds, even though this is a poem and not a song. I'll type her own words and translate at the bottom if you cannot read 6 yr old spelling:

I had a far and I livd on theat farm.
her comes the butchr fat and rawd
he cus met for th engglish men
her he comes

"I had a farm and I lived on that farm.
Here comes the butcher fat and round
he cuts meat for the english men
Here he comes.

All I can think is that she was inspired by the nursey rhyme concerning the black hen who lays eggs for gentlemen? Otherwise, I have no clue. It sounds vaguely threatening for the farm animals, though.


Deborah said...

Very cute poem Rachael...sounds like a nursery rhyme....Mother Goose.
Gma xxxxxxxooooooooooooo